1 an de J-Music Hits !!
Comment dit-on "Bon Anniversaire" en japonais ? お誕生日おめでとう (o tanjôbi omedetô) ! Hé oui, ce mois d'août 2016, le site fête ses 1 ans de publications \(^-^)/
How do you say "Happy birthday" in Japanese ? お誕生日おめでとう (o tanjoubi omedetou) ! Yeah, in this August 2016, the website célébrâtes its 1 year of publication \(^-^)/
Certes, cette première année ne fut finalement pas très prolifique en terme d'articles sur les classiques de la J-Music proprement dit, et les stats sont sans pitié quand elles rappellent que jusqu'à hier, vous n'aviez plus rien posté depuis plus d'un mois ! ^^'
Le temps passe vite, surtout quand on a une famille et un travail à côté. Mais là où nombre d'étrangers doivent rentrer à l'expiration de leur visa, cela m'offre la chance supplémentaire de pouvoir continuer à suivre et découvrir la musique japonaise au plus près, et à vous la faire partager.
Well, this 1st year wasn't very productive regarding articles on the J-Music standards themselves, and stats are merciless when they recall that until this day, you did not post anything for more than one month ! ^^'
Time goes by fast, all the more since one have a family and a job besides. But at that time when most of foreigners must go back with the expiration of their visa, these offer me the additional chance to be able to go on following and discovering the Japanese music from Inside, and to share it with you.
Well, this 1st year wasn't very productive regarding articles on the J-Music standards themselves, and stats are merciless when they recall that until this day, you did not post anything for more than one month ! ^^'
Time goes by fast, all the more since one have a family and a job besides. But at that time when most of foreigners must go back with the expiration of their visa, these offer me the additional chance to be able to go on following and discovering the Japanese music from Inside, and to share it with you.