Boku dake ga inai machi [僕だけがいない街, la ville où moi seul ne suis pas] est un manga de Sanbe Kei (三部 けい) à l'origine d'un joli phénomène début 2016. En effet, il fut adapté en animé peu avant la parution du 8e et dernier tome, en 12 épisodes, qui furent diffusés en simulcast en Occident avec, apparemment, un égal succès, réintitulé pour l'occasion "Erased". Et avant même la fin de l'animé, un film live sortait en salle !!
Il faut dire que le manga, sans spoiler, propose un savant dosage de suspens, fantastique, policier et camaraderie qui sort des recettes habituelles du shonen, sans pour autant restreindre son lectorat aux adultes (seinen). Pour ceux qui n'en n'auraient pas entendu parler, il raconte l'histoire d'un jeune homme doté d'un pouvoir aussi puissant qu'involontaire: il est capable de revivre un événement jusqu'à pouvoir le modifier de manière "satisfaisante". Il qualifie ce pouvoir de "revival", car il lui donne toujours au départ une impression de déjà-vu. Un jour, ce pouvoir remet la mère du héros sur les traces d'un tueur en série d'enfants qui avait sévi 10 ans auparavant dans leur voisinage et qui, pour redisparaître, l'assassine. Notre héros se retrouve alors projeté dans son corps d'enfant et va tenter, avec ses maigres moyens, de percer l'identité du tueur pour sauver son futur, et ses camarades de classe. Un peu de Code Quantum donc, ou de Traversée du Temps et des thématiques sociales fortes abordées...
Le manga étant encore en cours de publication à l'époque, l'animé en diffère un peu mais réussit quand même à respecter la fin du manga prévue par l'auteur, tandis que le film offre une fin, disons, assez différente, et un peu tirée par les cheveux.
L'auteur vient de commencer une autre œuvre dans le même univers, intitulée simplement "Boku dake ga inai machi: Re".
Boku dake ga inai machi [僕だけがいない街, The city were only I am missing] is a manga by Sanbe Kei (三部 けい) which originated a nice phenomenon in the begining of 2016. Indeed it was adapted in anime just before the release of its 8th and last opus, in 12 episodes which were broadcast in Western countries in simulcast with the same success, it seems, under the name "Erased". And before the anime's end, a live movie was released !!
It is true that this manga, without spoiling, offers a genuine mix of suspens, fantasy, police inquiry and school friendship which goes beyond usual shonen recipe without restraining its readers to adults (seinen). For who doesn't know yet, it tells the story of a young man granted with a powerful yet unpurposed power: he can revive an event until he can fix it in a "satisfied" way, which gives him a déjà-vu feeling, hence the name "revival". One day, this power leads the hero's mother back on the tracks of a serial killer of children who had operated in their neighbourhood 10 years sooner and, in order to disappear again, murders her. Our hero is then projected back in his childhood body and will try, with his weak means, to discover the killer's identity and to save his future and school friends. A bit of Quantum Leap then, or of The girl who leapt through time, and some important social themes featured...
The manga was still running at that time so that the anime is a bit different, yet managed to respect the end expected by the author, while the movie features an end, well, quite different and a bit forced.
The author just started a spin-off simply named "Boku dake ga inai machi: Re".
L'auteur vient de commencer une autre œuvre dans le même univers, intitulée simplement "Boku dake ga inai machi: Re".
Boku dake ga inai machi [僕だけがいない街, The city were only I am missing] is a manga by Sanbe Kei (三部 けい) which originated a nice phenomenon in the begining of 2016. Indeed it was adapted in anime just before the release of its 8th and last opus, in 12 episodes which were broadcast in Western countries in simulcast with the same success, it seems, under the name "Erased". And before the anime's end, a live movie was released !!
It is true that this manga, without spoiling, offers a genuine mix of suspens, fantasy, police inquiry and school friendship which goes beyond usual shonen recipe without restraining its readers to adults (seinen). For who doesn't know yet, it tells the story of a young man granted with a powerful yet unpurposed power: he can revive an event until he can fix it in a "satisfied" way, which gives him a déjà-vu feeling, hence the name "revival". One day, this power leads the hero's mother back on the tracks of a serial killer of children who had operated in their neighbourhood 10 years sooner and, in order to disappear again, murders her. Our hero is then projected back in his childhood body and will try, with his weak means, to discover the killer's identity and to save his future and school friends. A bit of Quantum Leap then, or of The girl who leapt through time, and some important social themes featured...
The manga was still running at that time so that the anime is a bit different, yet managed to respect the end expected by the author, while the movie features an end, well, quite different and a bit forced.
The author just started a spin-off simply named "Boku dake ga inai machi: Re".

Single (le DVD contient le clip):
Single (the DVD features the MV):

But it is of course the opening and ending of the anime which became famous. At first, the opening is made by the J-rock (20 years of career) and Tie-ups veterans, ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION avec 『Re:Re:』(Music Video), uploaded by the end of the anime (March the 15th 2016).

They took advantage of it to create a PV very close visually of the one of the anime, and re-insert themselves in scenes of their old MV, particularly from the album "Sol-Fa" (ソルファ) ! Because "by the way", Re:Re: is in fact itself a "revival", a self-cover, of an over-10-year-old track, featured on this album of 2004, which features also among others an opening of Full-Metal Alchemist "Rewrite" ;-) If the YouTube video is blocked, you can still listen to samples through the link:
Single (le DVD contient le clip):
Single (the DVD features the MV):
L'ending est l'œuvre de la jeune Sayuri (さユり), dont c'est le 2e single. Je vous l'avais déjà présentée d'ailleurs pour ses débuts ;-) Le Vidéo clip est en partie animé mais il reste dans l'univers de la chanteuse, pas de l'animé. C'est de l'Anison, un morceau énergique entre rock et ballade mid-tempo, le timbre de la chanteuse reflétant assez bien l'angoisse mais aussi la volonté dans la lutte du héros contre le destin. Il s'intitule 『それは小さな光のような』 (Sore wa chiisana hikari no youna, "C'est comme une petite lumière").
The ending is by the young Sayuri (さユり), whom it is the 2nd single. I already introduced her by the way for her debut ;-) The Music Video est in part animated by it stays in the singer's universe, not the anime's one. It is Anison, an energetic tune between rock and mid-tempo ballad, the singer's tone reflecting quite well the fear but also the will in the struggle of the hero against fate. It is called 『それは小さな光のような』 (Sore wa chiisana hikari no youna, "It is like a small light").
The ending is by the young Sayuri (さユり), whom it is the 2nd single. I already introduced her by the way for her debut ;-) The Music Video est in part animated by it stays in the singer's universe, not the anime's one. It is Anison, an energetic tune between rock and mid-tempo ballad, the singer's tone reflecting quite well the fear but also the will in the struggle of the hero against fate. It is called 『それは小さな光のような』 (Sore wa chiisana hikari no youna, "It is like a small light").

Les versions DVD contiennent le clip ; la version avec l'image d'animé risque d'être vite épuisée.
The DVD versions feature the PV; the version with the anime illustration may quickly be out of press.
Au cas où vous parlez japonais et/ou souhaitez la version collector japonaise de l'anime (attention, pas de sous-titre a priori), voici les liens affiliés CD Japan:
In case you speak Japanese and/or wish the limited Japanese edition of the anime (attention: no subtitles a priori), here are the affiliated links to CD Japan:
In case you speak Japanese and/or wish the limited Japanese edition of the anime (attention: no subtitles a priori), here are the affiliated links to CD Japan:
Blu-Ray non zoné (region free):
DVD zone 2:
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