Après la victoire controversée des Rouges l'année précédente, doublée d'un rythme bancale, la NHK se devait de redresser la barre pour son 68e Kôhaku Uta- Gassen (紅白歌 合戦), en ce Réveillon 2017-2018.
Toujours l'occasion de faire le point sur l'année culturelle écoulée, on peut aussi y d'admirer de jolis kimonos chez les artistes traditionnels, plus discrets dans les média le reste du temps. La partie était bien engagée avec la promesse de participation exceptionnelle de la popstar Amuro Namie avant sa retraite définitive côté Rouges (voix féminines), ou encore les débuts de Miura Daichi, le Michael Jackson japonais pour les Blancs (voix masculines).
After the controversial victory of the Reds on the previous year, along with a sloppy rhythm, the NHK had to strike back for its 68th Kouhaku Uta-Gassen (紅白歌 合戦), on that 2017-2018 New Year's Eve.
Always an occasion to comeback on the cultural events of the year, we can also admire the beautiful kimonos that traditional artists wear, whereas they are less visible on TV the rest of the time. Things had well started with the promise of the exceptional participation of Amuro Namie before her definite retirement on the Red side (female vocals), or also the debuts of Miura Daichi, the Japanese Michael Jackson, on the White side (male vocals).
68e Kôhaku Uta Gassen (2017)
Retour aux origines / Back to basics, part. 1/2
1e publication: 30/12/2018
Dernière MaJ / Last updated: 30/01/2019
Ce Kôhaku débutait avec un générique introductif inédit, un "Grand Opening" dans lequel apparaissaient dans divers rôles la plupart des invités comme Perfume, Wanima, Itsuki Hiroshi...
This Kouhaku started with an original introduction, a "Grand Opening" in which most of the participants appeared: Perfume, Wanima, Itsuki Hiroshi...
This Kouhaku started with an original introduction, a "Grand Opening" in which most of the participants appeared: Perfume, Wanima, Itsuki Hiroshi...

Its president is the actor and TV host Uchimura Teruyoshi (内村 光良) while Ninomiya Kazunari (二宮和也) from the band Arashi and the actress and model Arimura Kasumi (有村架純), already there last year, were the captains of the Whites and Reds respectively. The theme is "Let's sing our dreams" (夢を歌おう).

It's the band Hey! Say! JUMP from the Johnny's agency who starts in front of the family portrait with a lively Come on a' my house, for their 1st participation (celebrating their 10 years) then the girlsband Little Glee Monster, 1st invitation too, proved their vocal talent with a medley starting by an a capella cover of the difficult Jupiter by Hirahara Ayaka (平原 綾香) followed by their hit Suki da (好きだ).
Un premier artiste enka entre ensuite en piste, le fringant Yamauchi Keisuke (山内惠介), 3e participation, bien entouré par les AKB48 à la danse, pour Ai ga shinjirarenai nara (愛が信じられないなら). Lui sont opposées les E-Girls (5e), avec Love Queen. Le super-groupe féminin de LDH (EXILE TRIBE...), suite à des remaniements et carrières solos ne présente "plus que" 11 membres sur la scène.
A first enka artist steps on the stage then, the dashing Yamauchi Keisuke (山内惠介), , 3rd participation, nicely surrounded by the AKB48 as dancers, for Ai ga shinjirarenai nara (愛が信じられないなら). Opposed to him, there are the E-Girls (5th), with Love Queen. The female super-group from LDH (EXILE TRIBE...), following reorganizations and solo careers, "only" features 11 members left on stage.
A first enka artist steps on the stage then, the dashing Yamauchi Keisuke (山内惠介), , 3rd participation, nicely surrounded by the AKB48 as dancers, for Ai ga shinjirarenai nara (愛が信じられないなら). Opposed to him, there are the E-Girls (5th), with Love Queen. The female super-group from LDH (EXILE TRIBE...), following reorganizations and solo careers, "only" features 11 members left on stage.

We make a first tour in the backstage, through the helicopter intervention of a "super-hero" of the technical troubles at NHK, half-Terminator half-Tokusetsu, who strangely looks like the president of the Kouhaku... Then introduction of the commentators including the humorists Watanabe Naomi, already there last year, and Sunshine Ikezaki who made his outbreak this year with his "Yeaaah !" A nice story for him which allowed him in 2018 to offer his parents a small house in place of the slum they were living in until then.

On reprend la musique avec les débuts ici de Shishamo et leur tube rock Ashita mo (明日も), 54e au Billboard Hot 100 annuel, accompagnées d'une fanfare de lycéennes.
Miyama Hiroshi (三山 ひろし, 3e) revient comme l'année précédente avec une troupe de bilboquet (kendama), pour carrément tenter de battre un record du monde de 124 joueurs plaçant leur boule en équilibre l'un après l'autre pendant la chanson Otoko no Ryûgi (男 の 流儀) ! Bon, c'est raté dès le 14e joueur ^^'
Let's go back to music with the debuts here of Shishamo and their light rock hit Ashita mo (明日も), 54th in the yearly Billboard Hot 100, accompanied by a highschool girls fanfare.
Miyama Hiroshi (三山 ひろし, 3rd) comes back like in 2016 with a troop of kendama players, this time to beat the World Record of 124 players placing their ball on the stand one after the other during the song Otoko no Ryûgi (男 の 流儀) ! Well, it's a miss as early as the 14th player ^^'
Naomi présentée précédemment, imitatrice notamment de Beyonce (!), vient chanter avec AI sur Kira Kira (キラキラ). C'est ensuite Takehara Pistol (竹原 ピストル, 1ere), un rare chanteur à texte japonais qui ait connu le succès (enfin, à 41 ans) grâce à une pub utilisant sa chanson Yo ! Soko no wakai no (よー、そこの若いの).
Naomi I introduced a bit earlier, imitator of notably Beyonce (!), comes and sings with AI on Kira Kira (キラキラ). It's then Takehara Pistol (竹原 ピストル, 1st), one of the rare Japanese singer to emphasis on texts rather than melody to get some success (finally, at 41) thanks to an ad using his song: Yo ! Soko no wakai no (よー、そこの若いの).
Naomi I introduced a bit earlier, imitator of notably Beyonce (!), comes and sings with AI on Kira Kira (キラキラ). It's then Takehara Pistol (竹原 ピストル, 1st), one of the rare Japanese singer to emphasis on texts rather than melody to get some success (finally, at 41) thanks to an ad using his song: Yo ! Soko no wakai no (よー、そこの若いの).

Small interlude by Blouson Chiemi with B, the humorous trio of the year, who introduce some support musicians.
C'est ensuite une chanteuse d'enka de 12 ans de carrière, Oka Midori (丘 みどり), qui fait sa 1e apparition dans un magnifique kimono, manquant de pleurer dès le départ avec l'interview de sa grand-mère dans le public. Elle chante Sado no yûfue (佐渡の夕笛).
Les Johnny's de Sexy Zone (5e) enchaînent avec Gyutto (ぎゅっと) dans une avalanche de bulles de savons, faisant participer le public.
Then it is a singer of enka with 12 years of career, Oka Midori (丘 みどり), who makes her 1st appearance in a wonderful kimono, on the verge to cry due to the interview of her grand-mother in the public. She sings Sado no yûfue (佐渡の夕笛).
The Johnny's of Sexy Zone (5th) go on with Gyutto (ぎゅっと) in a sea of bubbles, making the public to participate.

The next duel opposes 2 enka artists, Ichikawa Yukino (市川 由紀乃, 2nd) on the red side, covering a song by the legend Misora Hibari: Jinsei Ichirou (人生 一路) with videos samples of the great star in background, then Fukuda Kouhei (福田 こうへい, 4th) with Ousho (王将) from the great Murata Hideo and who displays some pictures of the new rising star of Shougi, Fujii Souta (藤井 聡太).
Magie du direct ? Le "superviseur" de la NHK convoque dans son bureau, pour leur remonter les bretelles, Miyama et son bilboquet et Sexy Zone, trop... sexy ! Sunshine Ikezaki est aussi dans le lot... ^^
Magic of the live ? The "supervisor" of the NHK convokes in his office to scold them, Miyama and his kendama, and Sexy Zone, too much... sexy ! Sunshine Ikezaki got stuck there too... ^^
Magic of the live ? The "supervisor" of the NHK convokes in his office to scold them, Miyama and his kendama, and Sexy Zone, too much... sexy ! Sunshine Ikezaki got stuck there too... ^^
On reprend avec les Sandaime J-Soul Brothers (三代目J-Soul Brothers from Exile Tribe, 6e) et Happy avec plusieurs dizaines de musiciens et backdancers, ambiance années folles !
Tendo Yoshimi (天童 よしみ), 45 ans de carrière enka, invite d'autres artistes de son Kansai natal sur scène, dont la capitaine des Rouges, Yamamoto Sayaka des NMB48, les Kanjani8 bien sûr, etc. Sa chanson a inspiré un jingle de pub pour pastilles pour la gorge qu'elle chante elle-même ^^, il s'agit de Tonbori Ninjô (道頓堀人情).
We get back to the stage with the Sandaime J-Soul Brothers (三代目J-Soul Brothers from Exile Tribe, 6e) and Happy featuring several tens of musicians and backdancers, ambiance 1920s !
Tendo Yoshimi (天童 よしみ), 45 years of career in enka, invites other artists from her birthplace, the Kansai, on stage, including the Red captain, Yamamoto Sayaka from NMB48, the Kanjani8 of course, etc. Her song inspired a jingle of a commercial for sore throat sweets in which she sings herself ^^, it is Tonbori Ninjô (道頓堀人情).
Sandaime J Soul Brothers (3JSB) from EXILE TRIBE [Shipping Within Japan Only: feel free to ask me]
Sekai no Owari (4e) se présente à 3, Saori la pianiste et accordéoniste étant enceinte. C'est le leader et habituel guitariste Fukase qui la remplace pour Rain, chanson thème du film d'animation Mary and the Witch flower.

Sekai no Owari (4th) come at 3 members, the pianist and accordeonist Saori being pregnant. It is the leader and usual guitarist Fukase who replaces her for Rain, tehme song of the animation movie Mary and the Witch flower.
By the way, we are celebrating the 100 years of the Japanese animation series, starting with Namakura Ken, which now gather more than 10000 titles ! This is the occasion to link up to Kuraki Mai (倉木麻衣, 4th) with Togetsukyo~Kimi omofu (渡月橋 ~君 想ふ) for one of the Detective Conan animation movies: Crimson Love Letter. She is wearing on stage the same heavy Heian-style kimono as in her music video, on the doorstep of the Top 50 of the yearly Billboard Hot100 (52th).
Session danse ensuite avec 2 débutants. Tout d'abord TWICE un groupe essentiellement K-Pop, rareté au Kôhaku, mais qui compte 2 Japonaises dans ses rangs. Elles interprètent bien sûr la version japonaise de TT, gros tube en Corée mais aussi au Japon avec sa petite choré reprise facilement même par le jury.
Miura Daichi (三浦 大知) se produit quant à lui en "non-synchro dance" (ie a capella puis silencieusement avant de prouver son sens du timing en revenant normalement sur la musique) sur Cry and fight puis repart sur du classique avec son tube Excite.
Dance session then with 2 beginners. Firstly TWICE , an essentially K-Pop band, a rare thing at Kouhaku, but which includes 2 Japanese girls. They perform of course the Japanese version of TT, big hit in Korea but also in Japan with its tiny choreography easily feasible even by the jury.
Miura Daichi (三浦 大知) performs in "non-synchro dance" (ie a capella then silently before proving his sense of timing by coming back normally on the music) on Cry and fight then goes on again on some classic with his hit Excite.
Daichi Miura [Shipping Within Japan Only: feel free to ask me]
Tout le monde se précipite sur scène pour admirer la nouvelle trouvaille scénique de la chanteuse d'enka Mizumori Kaori (水森 かおり, 15e) sur Hayatomo no Seto (早鞆ノ瀬戸). A peine moins imposant que ses précédentes sorties, il s'agit d'une choré à "milles mains" façon statues indiennes.
On change complètement avec le J-Rock festif de Wanima qui font leur 1e apparition, en compagnie de Kumamon, la mascotte de leur région natale, Kumamoto. Ils chantent Tomo ni (ともに), en solidarité pour Kumamoto et plus généralement l'île de Kyushu sinistrés par les séismes et les intempéries.
Then everybody run on stage to admire the new scenic invention of the enka singer Mizumori Kaori (水森 かおり, 15th) on Hayatomo no Seto (早鞆ノ瀬戸). Just a bit less impressive than her previous appearances, it is an Indian statue-style "thousand hands" choreo.

A look at the score just before the last duel of the 1st half-time. The Whites have a lead greater than 100 000 voices...
Shimazu Aya (島津亜矢, 4e), chanteuse issue du genre enka, se diversifie en reprenant la chanson en anglais The Rose avec gospels.
Gô Hiromi (郷 ひろみ, 30e) invite le désormais célèbre club lycéen de danse de Tomioka (登美丘高校ダンス部), auteur de la chorégraphie virale "Bubble Dance" sur un remix de Dancing Hero, à danser sur son (énième) remix de Ni-oku-yon-senman no Hitomi~Exotic Japan (2億4千万の瞳 -エキゾチック・ジャパン-).
Shimazu Aya (島津亜矢, 4th), singer coming from the enka genre, diversifies by covering the song in English The Rose with gospels.
Gou Hiromi (郷 ひろみ, 30th) invites the newly famous highschool girls dance club of de Tomioka (登美丘高校ダンス部), author of the viral choreography "Bubble Dance" on a remix of Dancing Hero, to dance on his remix of Ni-oku-yon-senman no Hitomi~Exotic Japan (2億4千万の瞳 -エキゾチック・ジャパン-).
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